
This is my now page where I share what I’m currently focused on at this point in my life, inspired by Derek Sivers.

Updated on 18 July 2024 from my home office in Cape Town.


Pigeon is paywall software for news and other organisations. I work on the development team, assisting with development of the platform in PHP and JavaScript, and also assisting with the development of the WordPress plugin.

WP Geeks Logo

WP Geeks

WP Geeks is a brand I’ve owned and run in many different forms over the past 10+ years. It’s current iteration is a small WordPress plugin shop, where I write and sell plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce websites. I currently have the following products for sale…


Rewildify is a membership community that saves African wildlife and it’s ecosystems. For a monthly fee, members join the community and directly contribute to the projects that we undertake around Africa with our partners. We create a short film for each project and host a community screening night at it’s conclusion.

Bushstory / YouTube

I share my passion for wildlife, photography and conservation on my YouTube channel and website Bushstory, where I film various 4×4 overland trips as I travel around Africa visiting some of the wildest nature reserves and sharing the stories along the way.

I’ve starting the planning my first short film/documentary which will be released on my channel. I’m going through the Art Of Documentary course to help me become a better film maker.

Latest Episode

Wildlife Photography

One of my many passions in life is wildlife photography. It combines my desire to create art and be creative with my love for wild animals and places in Africa. I share most of my work on Instagram but I’m also currently creating 3 websites that share wildlife photography tips and information for some of my favourite locations to photograph wildlife in Africa.

4x4 Eco Trail Logo

4×4 Eco Trail

I love exploring Africa and I’d love to share that passion with others. I had an idea to create a once a year guided 4×4 trail that runs through multiple countries and through the very best nature reserves in Africa. To pull this off, there are a number of obstacles I need to climb over. The first is studying to become a qualified field guide. I’m currently exploring educational opportunities to make this happen.

Other Interests

Outside of the above, I’m also spending time these days trying to become a better golfer and fly-fishing the Western Cape.